How do I order?
To order using the website, select the items you wish to buy, add them to your shopping cart and then proceed to the checkout.
If you would prefer to order by email, simply Contact Us. We can send you an invoice and you can then make payment using any of the options shown below.
How much is postage?
Your order will be shipped via Australia Post with a flat rate of $12.
How long will it take to recieve my order?
You should recieve your order within 7 working days. If something you have purchased is unexpectedly out of stock, we will contact you immediately. You will then have the option to wait for the the product or have your payment refunded.
How can I pay for my order?
- Paypal: Use funds from your Paypal Account or use your credit card securely via PayPal
- Direct Deposit Account Name: KidEx, BSB: 033 236, Account Number: 254 601. Please note your name as the reference when completing transfer
- Australia Post Money Order or Australian cheque: Please make cheques and money orders payable to KidEx
Do you ship outside of Australia?
We do. Please contact us for the cost of delivery outside Australia.
What if your ABN?
Our ABN is 95 860 594 137
Can I purchase products from the KidEx website using FACHSIA funding (Helping Children with Autism/Better Start)?
Of course. We can arrange a way for this purchase to happen quickly and smoothly. Please contact us.
Can I return items?
You can- if the item is faulty, has been damaged or has been incorrectly shipped. Make sure you contact us within 14 days of recieving the item. We will then give you a 'Refund Authorisation Number' and arrange for the item to be returned.
What do you do with the information you collect about me?
KidEx recognise that privacy and security of personal information is important to our customers.
We respect the confidentiality and security of your personal information and we are committed to protecting it at all times.
KidEx only collects such personal information as is necessary to manage your account and to communicate with you about KidEx and the products and services we offer. We do not share your information with any other third parties.
KidEx has taken every care in the preparation of the content on this site. KidEx disclaims all warranties, express or implied, to the fullest extent permitted by law, as to the accuracy of all information contained herein.
While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information contained in this web-site is accurate and up to date, changes in circumstances after the date of publication may impact upon the accuracy of the information.
Nothing contained in this website shall be construed as conferring any licence or right under any trade mark or in relation to any copyright of KidEx or any third party.
Subject to any implied terms which cannot be excluded by law, KidEx and its directors, officers and employees, do not accept any liability for any loss or damage, however caused, to any person arising from the use of or reliance upon the information contained in this web site.